Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Hello and Welcome to the Partners in Crime. This blog has been created to allow a group of my friends and myself to become accountable to each other. We currently have two wonderful goals set for 2009 and the idea of this page is to help create a central location for all partners involved to check in and/or add posts, tips and thoughts regarding the goals set. Here are our first two goals set for 2009:

1. Read the Bible in its entirety during 2009. Completion to be no later then December 30, 2009. We will have a weekly (ish) update and post(s) made regarding the current passages that are being covered in order to keep us accountable and on track! I personally can't wait to see all the amazing truths that will be reveled as I study God's word this year!

2. Walk the Portland Marathon on October 4, 2009. I am currently working on the detailed info and training schedule for the year and will post this very soon! I believe that a commitment to walking the marathon will be a goal that I could be successful at! Someday I would love to run the course, but the training required to run such an event is not a good fit for my life with little ones right now. :) I am looking forward to this challenge, possibly dropping that nagging 10 pounds that seem to just stay around, become physically stronger and prove that I truly do have the dedication and stamina to physically and mentally finish such a race! Hey, anyone interested in trying to raise $$ for a cause? I am open to suggestions and the Portland Marathon site has an official sign up for teams raising support for a charity.....just thoughts I would put it out there and see what you all think :)

I think this post has gotten long enough :) So, sign up for the blog feed on the right hand side and then Blogger will send you an email every time something new is posted! :) I would love for everyone to contribute a post from time to time....so speak up and let me know that you have something to say and we will get it on here! Here we come 2009 !!!! WATCH OUT!!!