Friday, January 9, 2009

General Marathon info


Here are some sites that I found with walking plans for the marathon. - this site has a great chart to follow and is set up for a 24 week plan (6 months!) - I really enjoyed this article and the plan was something that sounded more personal. Please take a moment to read this article!

Here is the official site for the 2009 Portland Marathon!!! Go, look around and get excited!!!!
I must say that I am really excited and would like to start having a long walk at least once a month with everyone involved! I think a good goal would be to have our first long walk in March or April....any thoughts???

ALSO....Sonia has suggested that we walk for a cause, lets get some feedback on that and then figure out what we are going to do AND DO IT! :) Here is what i am thinking, I love the idea of walking for a cause but I HATE asking people for money....especially in these economic times :) Honesty at its best. Lets dialog about this for a week or two and then come to a consensus.

How is everyone doing? Any walking going on? Get those booty's shaking and those hips a swingin'!



  1. Ok you guys, it's time for some actual accountablility! Bree and Teresa, what chapter are you on right now??? I'm sad to say that I'm only on chapter 41. So needless to say, I'm behind. I think my plan is to skim several chapters and then read about 5 to get caught up. I don't want to miss out on the rest, but if I don't get caught up, I'm going to be unable to finish. So that's my goal. How about you?? Where are you and if you are behind, what is your plan to catch up?

  2. Sorry, I always post twice because I think of something else after I hit post. So I forgot to comment to Teresa on her last post. Ok, here's my theory, I totally don't mind asking people to support a cause for several reasons. I am not asking for a minimum amount,so they can give me a dollar and i would be thrilled. I am also not going to pressure ANYONE to give, that is their choice, but they might not just give it if no one asks for it. The other thing is that even though these are hard times for a lot of people, there are still a lot of people who aren't being affected that much, so I don't want to not ask and miss out on what some might be able to give. If people can't give, or don't want to, that is TOTALLY fine with me. I truly understand. I figure it's always worth a try. I really want to hear other opinions on the matter. Bree? Randa?

  3. Ok my thoughts on a cause, I am all for it..but my heart is with March of Dimes right now and that walk is coming up here in April, so I will be doing my best to help raise awareness and money for that in the coming months, and thats where I will personally feel bad about "hitting" people up for another cause after that one. People will really hide when they see me coming or delete my emails..hahahaha

  4. Hey Bree!!! Long time no hear!! So what about your current chapter??? C'mon, let's hear it... :)

  5. Yeah, asking for money is a toughie...I am working on sending out a ton of support letters for our adoption (email and the old fashion way) I think people might start ducking if they see me walking down the hall.
