Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What does this have to do with me???

Well it has been a week or so....how is everyone doing? I pray that the Lord has shown you some wonderful moments to sit quietly with His word and read. :) I have been reading my Bible in bed instead of my silly fiction books and am really amazed at how much I DON'T miss the silly books and how wonderful it has been to know that I am reading the Living Word that has been given to me! I have to admit that I find the old testament to be filled with great little "fiction books" because of the way that we follow one persons life in detail. :) Please don't think that I am comparing the Bible to a fiction book, just saying that I find myself reading the Bible and the chapters fly by just like one of my silly books because I want to know what comes next. :) Hope this makes sense.

Okay, so I totally slacked on my review post for the Feb. 5Th slot. :( I found the beginning of Leviticus to be a hard one (okay a little boring) at first because it kept going into so much detail about the steps that needed to be taken to successfully bring a sacrifice before the Lord. So, I was tempted to go to outside sources to see what they could teach me that would be relevant to my life, but resisted the urge. I prayed before starting the third day of reading that I would find the lesson for me, for my life right now and here is what I came up with:

First off, THANK YOU JESUS! :) I know that we say this to often without even really honestly weighing the phrase, but look what we were freed from. Look at the gift that Jesus gave us. He took our sins, he carried them to the cross for us and he was the ultimate sacrifice that covered us. WOW! To consider it this way and to know that before the gift of the cross followers of the Lord were living with constant need to bring sacrifices and receive cleansing...we are blessed.

Secondly, along the same lines, did you notice that over and over it would be said that if the sinned unintentionally sinned and were not aware, to this I say THANK YOU FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT!

Lastly, I wanted to point out that while the specific subject of bringing a sacrifice and preparing the animal in such a way is not exactly relatable to us today directly, I believe it has a wonderful indirect reminder for all of us. I believe that it is very easy to smooth the edges of the Lords commands. Meaning that in today's world of extreme relativism I fear that even I can become complacent and dare I say even a little bit to comfortable with specific actions or attitudes that are not acceptable or pleasing to the Lord. We are given very specific instructions on how to live and what is right and good and I must admit that at times, I soften these truths to "suggestions" in my mind to give myself permission to overlook an issue, attitude or situation that is just not right. Again, I am not saying that we are to be right fighters and approach the world with a fire and brimstone attitude, because after all that is not what we are called to do either, but I do think that at the very least we each need to take a moment on a very regular basis and evaluate and compare our lives and how we are living to the Biblical truths layed out so clearly.

Okay, who is next? What are you learning? What do you want to share with all of us? Can't wait to hear what you have to say!


p.s. Please join me in welcoming Alyssa to our group of readers! :) Now that you have made yourself known Alyssa, I am going to start hitting you up for a post soon :) HAHA :) Seriously, I am really excited to have you join us!


  1. This really made me think about the present day Jews and what they do with these passages. They don't still do animal sacrifices and they don't believe in Jesus, so how do they deal with sin? I did some research and apparently their sins are forgiven through prayer and good works. They do not still do sacrifices because the temple is no longer and they do not have a holy place to do their offerings. Interesting stuff, and I agree, so thankful that we are not under the law.

  2. Hey, I've been out of the loop for a while, and unfortunately out of the Word too. :(. But I was happy to see your post Teresa, cause that's the last thing I read!!! And I noticed the same thing about the unintentional sinning. What struck me is that they were still guilty even though they didnt know they had sinned and then when they became aware of it, had to make it right. Interesting. This is one I've been mulling over in my head too. Thanks for sharing. And I'm going to start reading again (you have inspired me to carry on :)). Especially since my post date is coming up!!! Yikes. Got back just in time. And about Lot's wife, I would like to think I wouldn't look back, but I'm a generally curious person and like to see to believe, so I wonder if I would look back to see if it all was really happening. I think that's what she did (because that would be my reason), and that was plain disobedience no matter what the reason. Another thing I need to mull over. There you have it, my 2 cents. Welcome Alyssa!!!!
